
TicTacToe in ROS

   Jan 15, 2022     16 min read

Problem Statement

Implement a TicTacToe game using services in ROS with 3 nodes - Node 1 acts as Player 1, Node 2 acts as Player 2, and Node 3 acts as the Computer (provides the board).


For approaching this problem, I made 4 files for Node 3 (so the code doesn’t get messy) and 1 file for Node 2 and 1 file for Node 1.

Custom Service File

For this problem, I made custom service file for passing request and getting response

The srv file (moe.srv) :-

int64[] gaming_data
int64 row
int64 col

In this file,

  • The array gaming_data present in request part of srv file, will be use to request 3x3 array which contains information of the tictactoe board, with each element of array representing each element of the board. If value of a element in the array is 0, then it means board is empty, if it is 1, then that position in the board is filled with ‘X’ mark, and if it is 2, then that position in the board is filled wth ‘O’ mark.
  • The variable row and col in response part of the srv file, will be use for giving response in terms of which row and column has to be filled in the board when a player enters input from one of the nodes ‘Node 1’ and ‘Node 2’.

We will further discuss how we will use each variable in this solution as we move on

Node 3

Node 1 and Node 2 will take input from Player 1 and Player 2 and give to Node 3 using services, which means, Node 1 and Node 2 will act as a server and Node 3 will act as a client, which basically calls each node when their turns come. And as mentioned already, the Node 3 is divided into 4 files -,,,

The code for

from draw import *
import sys

class Picture_Class:
    def __init__(self):
        self.game_data = [[0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
        self.picture_data = [[' ' for i in range(41)] for j in range(17)]


    def __setup__(self):
        for i in range(17):
            self.picture_data[i][0] = '|'
            self.picture_data[i][13] = '|'
            self.picture_data[i][26] = '|'
            self.picture_data[i][39] = '|'

        for i in range(41):
            self.picture_data[5][i] = '-'
            self.picture_data[11][i] = '-'

    def print_result(self):
        for i in range(17):
            for j in range(41):

    def upload_data(self, some_array):
        self.game_data = some_array

    def __refresh__(self):
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if (self.game_data[i][j] == 1):
                    self.picture_data = draw_x(self.picture_data, i, j)
                elif (self.game_data[i][j] == 2):
                    self.picture_data = draw_o(self.picture_data, i, j)

This file contains code for a class which contains functions, arrays and variable which will be useful for displaying the board in terminal In this code,

  • gaming_data array will be array which will be storing data of the tictactoe board (same array discussed during discussion of srv file)
  • picture_data array will contains keyboard symbols in an arranged way such that if we print each row of that array one after the another in the terminal, it will display the tictactoe board For example :- tictactoe.png
  • The __setup__() function is initializing the picture_data array with filling ‘|’ and ‘-‘ such that it will create border line of tictactoe board, and this function is called during intialization of the object 23757b54f9b4e69b6b0852b0576e7043.png
  • print_result() function prints the picture_data array in the terminal
  • upload_data() fucntion uploads the gaming_data array and calls __refresh__() function
  • __refresh__() function adds ‘X’ and ‘O’ in the picture_data array using draw_x() and draw_o(), which is defined in file

Note :- Here, I used sys for printing instead of normal print function because when we use normal print function, it automatically starts from new line. There is a way to prevent it by using print(<something>, end=''), but this only works in Python3 and my ROS was compatable with Python2.

The code for

def draw_x(some_data, a, b):
    x = 13*b + 2
    y = 6*a
    some_data[y][x] = 'x'
    some_data[y][x+1] = 'x'
    some_data[y][x+8] = 'x'
    some_data[y][x+9] = 'x'
    some_data[y+1][x+2] = 'x'
    some_data[y+1][x+3] = 'x'
    some_data[y+1][x+6] = 'x'
    some_data[y+1][x+7] = 'x'
    some_data[y+2][x+4] = 'x'
    some_data[y+2][x+5] = 'x'
    some_data[y+3][x+2] = 'x'
    some_data[y+3][x+3] = 'x'
    some_data[y+3][x+6] = 'x'
    some_data[y+3][x+7] = 'x'
    some_data[y+4][x] = 'x'
    some_data[y+4][x+1] = 'x'
    some_data[y+4][x+8] = 'x'
    some_data[y+4][x+9] = 'x'
    return some_data

def draw_o(some_data, a, b):
    x = 13*b + 2
    y = 6*a
    some_data[y][x+3] = 'o'
    some_data[y][x+4] = 'o'
    some_data[y][x+5] = 'o'
    some_data[y][x+6] = 'o'
    some_data[y+1][x+1] = 'o'
    some_data[y+1][x+2] = 'o'
    some_data[y+1][x+7] = 'o'
    some_data[y+1][x+8] = 'o'
    some_data[y+2][x] = 'o'
    some_data[y+2][x+1] = 'o'
    some_data[y+2][x+8] = 'o'
    some_data[y+2][x+9] = 'o'
    some_data[y+4][x+3] = 'o'
    some_data[y+4][x+4] = 'o'
    some_data[y+4][x+5] = 'o'
    some_data[y+4][x+6] = 'o'
    some_data[y+3][x+1] = 'o'
    some_data[y+3][x+2] = 'o'
    some_data[y+3][x+7] = 'o'
    some_data[y+3][x+8] = 'o'
    return some_data

This file contains the draw_x() and draw_o() functions which basically takes row and column of the tictactoe board and apply a certain equation that relates position of element of the board to the picture_data array and fills it with symbols in certain manner, such that during printing the array, it will represent ‘X’ and ‘O’.

The code for

def row_check(some_array):
    a = 0
    b = 0
    for i in range(3):
        if ((some_array[i][0] == some_array[i][1]) and (some_array[i][1] == some_array[i][2])):
            a = 1
            b = some_array[i][0]
    return [a, b]

def column_check(some_array):
    a = 0
    b = 0
    for i in range(3):
        if ((some_array[0][i] == some_array[1][i]) and (some_array[1][i] == some_array[2][i])):
            a = 2
            b = some_array[0][i]
    return [a, b]

def cross_check(some_array):
    if (((some_array[0][0] == some_array[1][1]) and (some_array[1][1] == some_array[2][2])) or ((some_array[0][2] == some_array[1][1]) and (some_array[1][1] == some_array[2][0]))):
        return [3, some_array[1][1]]
    return [0, 0]

def check(some_array):
    a = column_check(some_array)
    if (a[0] != 0):
        return a[1]
    a = row_check(some_array)
    if (a[0] != 0):
        return a[1]
    a = cross_check(some_array)
    if (a[0] != 0):
        return a[1]
    return 0

This file has functions for checking if any player has won or not

  • row_check will take gaming_data array in entry and scan if any entry in every row is same or not and return an array containing 2 elements in which 1st element contain if someone has won or not in ‘1’ and ‘0’ and 2nd element will contain the information of player who won
  • Same for column_check and and cross_check for check in column and cross direction respectively.
  • These function will be called by check() function, and return which player won. If no one won, then it will return 0

The code for

1. #! /usr/bin/python2
2. import rospy
3. from tictactoe.srv import moeRequest, moe
4. from std_msgs.msg import Int64
5. from display import *
6. from draw import *
7. from checker import *
8. import sys
9. requ = moeRequest()
10. gaming_data = [[0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
11. tictactoe = Picture_Class()
12. func1 = rospy.ServiceProxy('player_one_server', moe)
13. func2 = rospy.ServiceProxy('player_two_server', moe)
15. def input_pos(a):                                           # Defining a function for taking input from each node used by players
16.     requ.gaming_data = [Int64(0) for i in range(9)]
17.     for i in range(3):
18.         for j in range(3):
19.             requ.gaming_data[j+(3*i)] = gaming_data[i][j]
20.     if (a % 2 == 0):
21.         print('1st player turn\n\n')
22.         rospy.wait_for_service('player_one_server')
23.         response = func1(requ)
24.         gaming_data[response.row-1][response.col-1] = 1
26.     else:
27.         print('2nd player turn')
28.         rospy.wait_for_service('player_two_server')
29.         response = func2(requ)
30.         gaming_data[response.row-1][response.col-1] = 2
32. def main():
33.     print('\n\n')
34.     for i in range(9):
35.         input_pos(i)
36.         tictactoe.upload_data(gaming_data)
37.         tictactoe.print_result()
38.         if (check(gaming_data) != 0):
39.             print('\n\nCongrats '),
40.             if (check(gaming_data) == 1):
41.                 sys.stdout.write(str("1st"))
42.             if (check(gaming_data) == 2):
43.                 sys.stdout.write(str('2nd'))
44.             print(' player, You won...!!\n\n')
45.             break
46.         print('\n\n')
47.     if (check(gaming_data) == 0):
48.         print('Tie...!!')
49.     if (raw_input('Do you want to play again (Y/N) : ') == "Y"):
50.         main()
53. if __name__ == '__main__':
54.     try:
55.         rospy.loginfo('Displayer Activated\n\nStarting the game for data...')
56.         main()
57.     except rospy.ROSInterruptException():
58.         pass

This code will be main code, and this code will be only executed for running Node 3.

  • The Line 1 code is shebang which basically tells ROS that which language is this code is written
  • From Line 2 to 8, I am importing all functions for, and, importing service file, and Int64 data type for initializing gaming_data array
  • In Line 15, we are defining a function which basically calls Node 1 and Node 2 using services and takes input from them, and then save the inputs to the gaming_data array
  • Line 32 will be defining the function main() which will be calling all functions to run the code.
  • Line 53 will call the main() function in a safely way, such that during some failure due to an error, we could stop the process by interuppting.

Node 1 & Node 2

Code of Node 1 and Node 2 will be similar, so I will be explaining code of Node 1 only

The code :-

import rospy
from tictactoe.srv import moe, moeResponse

respo = moeResponse()

def command(req):
    return respo

def input_pos(req):
    print('\n\nYour turn\n\n')
    b = int(input('Row number : '))
    c = int(input('Column number : '))
    if (((0 <= b and b <= 3) and (0 <= c and c <= 3)) and (req.gaming_data[((b-1)*3)+c-1] == 0)):
        respo.row = b
        respo.col = c
        print('\nWrong Input!!...Try once again\n')

def callback():
    print('Player 1 ready.......Waiting for Displayer')
    rospy.Service('/player_one_server', moe, command)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        rospy.loginfo('Player One Activated\n\nWaiting for data...')
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException():

In this code :-

  • callback() function will activate the server ‘/player_one_server’, which will be called by Node 3 during player one turn
  • input_pos() will be called by command() function, which will be called by the server.
  • input_pos() when called, will take input from the player.
  • Now, the gaming_data array is passed in request is for preventing the player from marking the position which is already being marked.